Dr. Sue Johnson is developer of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and the best couple therapist in the world, according to bestselling relationship expert Dr. John Gottman. In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Johnson shares her groundbreaking and remarkably successful program for creating stronger, more secure relationships.
The book Hold Me Tight, first published by Dr. Johnson in 2008, offers a revolutionary new way to see and shape love relationships. The stories, new ideas and exercises in the book are based on the new science of love and the wisdom of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), a groundbreaking model developed by Dr. Johnson. Subsequently, Dr. Johnson developed the Hold Me Tight® Program as a workshop for couples to enhance their relationships. By 2018, the program had been adapted for specific audiences: Hold Me Tight®/Let Me Go for parents and teens, Created For Connection for Christian couples, Healing Hearts Together for partners facing cardiac disease, and Hold Me Tight® Online for couples who wish to experience the benefits of the Hold Me Tight® Program from the comfort of their home and on their own schedule. These programs are now used in countries throughout the world.

Hold Me Tight Resources for Therapists
ICEEFT provides a wide range of resources to help therapists integrate the Hold Me Tight program into their practice. These resources include instructional videos, translated versions of the Hold Me Tight book, facilitator guides, and resources for working with different populations, such as adaptations for families with teenagers or grown children, Christian couples, and cardiac patients. Whether you’re looking to lead Hold Me Tight workshops, or incorporate the program into your practice, ICEEFT offers ample resources to help you grow your therapy toolkit with a proven, evidence-based program.

The Best Selling book by Dr Sue Johnson
Hold Me Tight
Sue Johnson’s best selling book is available at your local bookstore and online at retailers such as Amazon.com.

An Online Program for Couples
Hold Me Tight Online
The program that’s helped countless couples is now available as an online, work at your own pace program. And it’s 50% off for a limited time!

Experience Hold Me Tight in person
Hold Me Tight Events
In person Hold Me Tight workshops happen regularly around the world. Check our events page to see if one is happening near you!
Hold Me Tight for Therapists
Hold Me Tight Specialized BOOKS, DVDs and Digital Downloads

For Teens
The Hold Me Tight for Teens program is an evidence-based approach designed to support teens and their families in developing healthy and secure relationships.

For Adult Children
Whether you are 22, 42, 62, or 82, what parent doesn’t want to heal ruptures with their grown-up child and what adult child doesn’t wish to be understood and accepted in their separate autonomous lives?

For Christian Couples
Hold Me Tight for Christian Couples is a biblically aligned program designed to help couples strengthen their emotional bond and improve their communication skills.
Find dr. Sue Johnson’s hold me tight in translation around the world
Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
This book is in translation/press into Arabic, Bulgarian, Latvian, Ukrainian, and Uzbekistani, and has been translated into:
Facilitator’s Guides
This booklet/Guide is in press in Danish, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian, and has been translated into: