Learn EFT Online
Please note that these courses are not sold on this site. Also, only official ICEEFT events count toward EFT Certification.

ONLINE ICEEFT-Produced EFT Trainings in English in NA
Your portal for official ICEEFT-produced ONLINE EFT training events in English in North American time zones.
ICEEFT Courses is your provider of live ONLINE EFT Externships, Fundamentals of EFT, EFIT: EFT for Individuals, and EFFT: EFT for Families. Certificates of completion and CE credits available upon successful completion of each course.
EFT: Attachment Science in Practice, produced by Psychwire
Join the founder of EFT, Dr Sue Johnson and learn this Gold Standard, evidence-based therapy that integrates Attachment Science in the treatment of distressed couples, families and individuals.
This introductory course features instructional videos, engaging animations, demonstrations of therapy sessions, interactive quizzes and a course library. There’s even an online forum to share experiences and get personalised feedback from Sue Johnson and her team of expert EFT trainers.
16 hours with 16 CE credits available

EFT AIRM Training
This Attachment Injury Repair Training Program designed by Lillian Buchanan and Lorrie Brubacher gives you an opportunity to observe and then personally interact with the interventions and 8 steps of the Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Attachment Injury Repair Model (AIRM) developed by Johnson, Makinen & Millikin (2001). The interactive training program is built on this model and gives you an opportunity to identify and practice the markers of readiness for this repair process, and the steps and interventions through the entire process. Brief video clips illustrate the moment to moment process through each step of the model. Between each clip are descriptions of the therapist’s intentions in each step of the model. You are given opportunities to identify the interventions used, after which you receive immediate feedback about the intervention the therapist was using. A variety of modalities of learning experiences are interspersed throughout.
CE Hours available for purchase after obtaining program.
Emotionally Focused Therapy – Step by Step produced by Psychotherapy.net
A step-by-step approach to learning Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) including session excerpts with 6 real life couples and detailed commentary. See clinical Demonstrations of EFT techniques, steps and stages. Self-paced exercises and handouts will help you solidify the skills covered in each of four volumes.
By the end of this course, you will have learned a model that will provide structure to your couples sessions and will have acquired proven tools for making you a more effective couples therapist.
11 hour online course and includes 10 CE credits.
For more information and to register please go to Psychotherapy.net Academy

EFT Masterclass: Advanced Issues in Couples Counseling, produced by Psychotherapy.net
Couples therapy is already challenging, but becomes even more so when addiction, sexual issues, pornography and grief enter the clinical frame. In this richly instructive four-volume series, EFT experts and trainers demonstrate how strengthening the bonds of attachment can heal relationship wounds in these complex cases.
Watch EFT clinicians conduct actual couples therapy sessions and learn how to directly address the pain and detachment fueling addiction, sexual disconnection and loss in the couples you work with. Deepen your clinical competence and confidence by treating yourself to a front row seat as these master clinicians demonstrate, narrate and teach you the powerful applications of key EFT principles and techniques with challenging clients.
Over 6 hour online course and includes 6 CE credits.
For information and to register go to Psychotherapy.net Academy.