Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) Consultation

“EFFT Consultation” (also known as “Mastering Skills and Overcoming Challenges in EFFT: A Consultation Process”) is an advanced training in the EFT for Families (EFFT) stream. There are also equivalent courses in EFT for Couples (EFCT) and EFT for Individuals (EFIT) streams.


Beginning in 2024, advance your practice and improve your client outcomes by taking your EFFT skills to the next level! In this two-part course, you will learn from expert trainers as they show and talk about their therapy sessions – where they get stuck, how they get unstuck, and how the attachment map and EFT Tango provide a beacon for the family therapist. Next, you will join with your colleagues as they show their work, and watch as expert trainers help guide the therapy process through feedback, consultation, and role plays specifically aimed at framing clients’ problems through the lens of attachment, mapping the process, maintaining momentum, unblocking barriers to caregiving, and more!

What will I learn in “EFFT Consultation”?

You’ll Discover:

  • How to create safety and structure in the EFFT process through conceptualization and organizing ongoing treatment.
  • Ways of creating and maintaining a robust therapeutic alliance.
  • Methods for tracking and identifying key inner and family patterns that block caregiving, connection, and progress in therapy.
  • How the EFFT therapist uses key interventions to first validate and then dissolve relational blocks.
  • How to focus therapist presence to promote parental and child engagement in the EFFT process.
  • A proven set of interventions that you can rely on to shift family behaviours towards greater emotional balance in support of parental responsiveness and child vulnerability.
  • Greater mastery of core EFFT interventions and how to use EFT skills to overcome in session challenges and gain therapists’ confidence in guiding families to greater resilience.
  • A more nuanced understanding of  the EFT Tango through stages of change in EFFT.
  • Key methods and interventions that will lead your clients into secure attachment, resourcing families towards ongoing growth and meeting challenges over the life span.
  • Increasing the greater confidence and competence of the therapist to lead the EFFT process of change.

Outline of this training

Part 1:

Participants will learn from expert trainers as they share and discuss their work.  Key points considered include:

  • Maintaining a Robust Alliance
  • Finding and Keeping Focus in Session
  • Identifying Relational Patterns that Block Family Distress
  • Deepening Engagement in the face of relational blocks to caregiving and care seeking
  • Working with Blocks at Leading Edge of Experience
  • Assembling, Befriending, and Ordering Emotion
  • Maintaining Focus, Depth, and Momentum with Complex Family Presentations
  • Shaping Corrective experiences around attachment related needs

Part 2:

There will be three two-hour sessions, with two participants presenting cases each session (for a total of six case presentations).  Expert trainers will provide feedback and consultation, and will engage in role plays with each other and/or participants for the purposes of demonstrating the EFFT model as specifically applied to the case discussed and presenting issue(s).

Who is this training for?

This 10-hour advanced training is tailored for therapists progressing from “EFFT Essentials” (or EFFT Level 2). Engage with expert trainers as they navigate through real therapy sessions, revealing how to overcome common hurdles using the EFT Tango and the EFT process of change. In a collaborative setting, join your peers in presenting your own cases, benefiting from personalized feedback and consultation, alongside insightful role plays.

Prerequisites & Sequence

EFFT Essentials (or EFFT Level 1 + EFFT Level 2) must be completed prior to taking EFFT Consultation.

Recommended reading: Emotionally Focused Family Therapy: Restoring Connection and Promoting Resilience. (2019) Furrow, J. L., Palmer, G., Johnson, S. M., Faller, G., & Palmer-Olsen, L. Routledge.

Upcoming “EFFT Consultation” Events

This new course is coming in 2024.

Mastering Skills and Overcoming Challenges with EFIT: A Consultation Program ~ Hybrid (Chile), in English and Spanish

Image Description
Trainer Host Community or Center Language Date
Gail Palmer Chile English, Spanish May 15, 2025

¡POR PRIMERA VEZ EN LATINOAMÉRICA, con GAIL PALMER! con traducción simultánea al español
Si eres miembro de TFE CHILE/ICEEFT, usa el cupón de descuento de 5%: MIEMBROTFECHILE2025
Días 15 y 16 de mayo de 2025
De 11h - 17h (hora de Chile)
Online + Híbrido: Gail Palm
Email: chiletfe@gmail.com

Mastering Skills and Overcoming Challenges in EFFT: A Consultation Process ~ Online (North America)

Image Description
Trainer Host Community or Center Language Date
Gail Palmer, Kathryn de Bruin North America (Online) English May 22, 2025

Advance your practice and improve your client outcomes by taking your EFFT skills to the next level! Please click "event link" for information and to register. Presented by ICEEFT Courses.